Birthday Parties FAQ

If you can't find your answer here, please do get in contact with us.

What does a cricket party involve?

CPHCC Cricket parties are completely tailored to the age and experience of the children. We will call you to discuss what games and activities might be best suited to your child's party.

My child really wants a cricket party but has not played before, is that alright?

We have plenty of experience in coaching for children with very limited experience- we have plenty of exciting games with bat and ball to get them all involved and loving the game!

Is it for just for boys?

Certainly not- our parties can be for boys, girls or a mixture of both!

How many children can I invite?

Typical numbers are between 8 and 16 children, but we can cater for more or less.

Where can I have the party?

Venues can be indoor or outdoor – or even in your garden if space allows. Typically we hold Winter parties indoors due to the weather, and outdoor parties at a local cricket club in the Summer.

What do I have to take care of?

We stick to what we are best at so we do not arrange food – each venue we arrange may have kitchen facilities for you to organise this!

Do I need to provide equipment?

We will provide all the equipment.

Are the coaches CRB checked?

Up to date CRB checks, first aid and safeguarding children certificates are held by all coaches.

I've booked my party, what happens next?

Once paid we will send you an email to confirm and plan to arrange a meeting at a location of your choice.

How can I pay for my booking?

Cheque, Paypal through our App or BACS online transfer to (Sort code 20-51-32, Account number 20302473) using your surname as reference.

What happens if I need to cancel?

We can postpone the party however, if cancelled 7 days before we will refund 50% of the party cost, anything after 7 days, unfortunately be there will be no refund.

How do I book?Book through our App using Paypal, alternatively email us here to confirm booking